Practical Information
Libraries in the Czech Republic
Central authorities of the Czech Republic
Legal information
- Czech Collection of Laws (on pages of the Ministry of Interior)
Czech Home Office publishes a duplicate of the Collection of Laws and Collection of International Treaties. Issues starting from 1998 have been processed and published so far. Issues published in previous years are currently being processed and published.
- Sagit Info Net
Complete texts of legal regulations from the Czech Collection of Laws since 1998 and from the Collection of International Treaties from Figure 1 since 2000. Texts of new regulations are continuously added, older regulations shall be added later.
- Czech Collection of Laws
Free access to figures and regulations published in the Collection of International Treaties during the last 4 weeks.
- ASPI (Automated System of Legal Information)
Links to selected sources concerned with law.
- The ELVIL project
European Legislative Virtual Library.
Czech legal information and publication server.
- EPravo
Source of legal information and links.
Standards and patent documents
- Czech standardization institute
Provides for the creation of Czech technical standards, their publication and distribution, sale of Czech, international and foreign standards, creation and sale of databases. On the server of Czech standardization you will find international standardization institutes, regional standardization institutes, and national standardization institutes.
- Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.
- On-line Catalogue of European Standards
- Industrial Property Office
Provides links to legal regulations, foreign patent offices, and sources of information from the field of industrial rights and access to the following databases:
- IPO database of patents and utility models. The database contains patent applications published since 1991, granted patents starting from No. 228531 and registered utility designs.
- Database of Czech national trademarks. The database contains only trademarks and trademark applications filed and registered with the IPO.
- Database of international trademarks valid in the Czech Republic.
- Database of industrial patterns. The database contains only Czech registered industrial patterns in an extent of bibliography and illustration starting from record No. 15300.
- World patent and trademark database and freely accessible internet database of industrial patterns models.
- Classification systems.
- Chamber of patent representatives
Associates all patent representatives in the Czech Republic.
- European Patent Office
- ESP@CEnet
Freely accessible worldwide database of patent documents available through the European Patent Office and selected national patent offices.
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Patent database providing access to bibliographic and fulltext USPTO databases. It contains data since 1976. The trademark database contains bibliographic records of US trademarks including pending patents.
- Canadian Intellectual Property Office
The Canadian Property of Intellectual Property provides access to a bibliographic database of patent information and database of trademarks. It enables search in more than 1,400,000 documents since 1920.
- Patents at the British Library
The British Library website offers links to important patent and trademark databases freely accessible on the internet and to databases of industrial patterns. It lists patent offices worldwide and provides other useful links to pages related to patents and intellectual property.
- Japan Patent Office
Free access to the patent information database of the JPO through IPDL (Industrial Property Digital Library).
- Patent Abstracts of Japan
Enables search in abstracts of Japanese patents since 1976 by using keywords or application number, patent number, etc.; it includes information on legal status since 1993.
- Intellectual Property Portal (SurfIP)
A portal providing simultaneous search facitilies in the following patent databases: European Patent Office (EPO), the United Kingdom Patent Office (UKPO), United States Patent Office (USPTO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and others. It enables basic and extended search and search according to patent number. It is managed by the IPOS - Intellectual Property Office of Singapore.
- International Patent Classification
Provides information on patent classification.
general encyclopaedia
- Artcyclopedia
- Atlapedia
travelling., hotels
- Bartleby
links to encyclopaedias, dictionaries, books
- Biographies
- Britannica
general encyclopaedia
- CoJeCo
general encyclopaedia online
Otto Encyclopaedia, Little Encyclopaedia of Czechoslovakia and Universum Encyclopaedia online; free abstract searching, browsing; full text available after registration and payment service fee
- Encyclopedia from Electric Library
general encyclopaedia
- Encyclopaedia of Mathematics
- Energy Encyclopaedia
dictionary and encyclopaedia of power engineering, addresses of Czech and foreign companies active in the field
- Laboratory encyclopaedia
chemistry, physical and mathematic tables
- Czech, Moravian and Silesian Monuments
castles, chateaux, forts
- PC Webopedia
computing technology
- Techencyclopedia
computing technology
- The Encyclopedia of Mythica
- The Internet encyclopedia of Philosophy
- The World Book
books and encyclopaedias
- The World Factbook 2000
geographic and political information
- Great Encyclopaedia of Satellites and Space Probes
space, astronautics
- Vševěd (Know-It-All) - Encyclopaedia on the move
general encyclopaedia
- Dictionaries in other languages, translation dictionaries
- Explanatory Dictionaries
- Special dictionaries
European Union
EUROPA isthe official EU server. It provides basic information on the EU, activity reports, calendar of events, links to individual EU institutions and member states, links to other EU information sources. It provides access to official documents in 11 languages.
- EUR-Lex
Daily update internet database. It provides information on EU legislation in all official languages of the EU. The Site Map link leads to a table of available information sources, possibilities of their viewing and searching in them.
Information on the activities and legislation of the EU, the Amsterdam Treaty, access to the SCAD bibliographic database.
Access to EU legal regulations, special attention is paid to regulations relating to the Czech Republic. The server provides an overview of regulations issued in the L series of the Official Journal of the EU with an overview of translations titles which should enable Czech citizens to better understand EU legislation and regulations which might apply to the Czech Republic now or in the near future. For the period during which the regulations shall be accessible on the EU server, links to originals shall be added to the transactions.
Information on EU publications.
- EUROskop
Official Ministry of Foreign Affairs server about the European Union.
The site provides up-to-date information on the development and extension of the EU. It provides information on activities and cooperation between the EU and the Czech Republic, the PHARE programmes and other programmes of the EU implemented in the Czech Republic.
Information system for legal approximation. It provides up-to-date information on valid Community laws. It also lists existing translations o EU legislation. It provides access to a Czech-English-French-German dictionary of basic terms of Community legislation.
Maps, timetables, etc.
- Maps
- Timetables, telephone directory
- Weather in the Czech Republic and world weather
- Exchange rates and stock exchange
- Information portals and search engines