
Interlibrary Lending Services
Interlibrary Lending Service for Czech Libraries
Copy Services
International Interlibrary Lending Service
Interlibrary Lending Service for Czech Libraries
Opening hours: 8 A.M. to 4 P.M.
The STL Interlibrary Service provides lendings of books from STL collections to all libraries
in the Czech Republic. Lending can be requested by filling in a web form or by post (by mailing
a filled in ILS Lending Request form for Czech Libraries). Please send requests for article
copies directly to the Copy Services.
ILS for registered STL users
The STL ILS provides lendings of documents from the field of technology and applied natural
sciences from other Czech libraries to all valid STL User's Card holders. Requests can be
placed in person (in the mezzanine of the STL, ILL Department, phone +420 221 663 498, e-
mail: mvs@stk.cz) or using a web form. This service is provided free of charge to all valid STL User's Card holders. As a rule, books from the collections of other libraries cannot be lent outside the STL; exceptions can be made only for a deposit. Users are obliged to inform the STL of any loss, damage or destruction and they are obliged to cover the damages within a specified period (see STL Library Regulations).
Copy services
Opening hours: 8 A.M. to 8 P.M.
Copy services offer the possibility to have made b&w and colour copies up to the A3 format and
enlargements from microfiches; VPL users can order documents in the ADOBE ACROBAT PDF format delivered by e-mail. Copies are made solely from materials contained in the STL collections and in the VPL Union catalogue.
Users may order copies or enlargements from microfiches either personally in the library, by
mail using the REPROGRAPHIC SERVICE ORDER form, by e-mail or by completing and sending the PHOTO web order form, by fax sent to +420 221 663 459, or using the Virtual Polytechnic Library.
STL also offers the CURRENT CONTENTS service - for a period of one year, users may order the
delivery of TOCs from each issue of a selected journal from STL collections received. The
order can be made in writing, using the Current Contents Order web form or by means of the VPL.
Copy services are provided for a charge according to the current Price List of STL Services or Price List of VPL Services. The payment for the reprographic services provided can be made in cash, via bank transfer on the basis of an invoice or using a postal order to the STL bank account (Czech National Bank - account number 8032-031/0710). When ordering
services via the VPL, the payment is deducted from the sum consigned on the user account.
For more information contact the Copy Centre in the mezzanine of the STL.
Phone: +420 221 663 453
e-mail: foto@stk.cz
International Interlibrary Lending Service
Opening hours: 8 A.M. to 345 P.M.
The STL International Interlibrary Lending Service provides information materials from the
field of technical and applied natural sciences in the form of articles from periodicals or
document lendings from foreign libraries. Only documents not available in the collections of Czech
libraries can be requested through International Interlibrary Lending Service. Before a request
is made it is necessary to check it in the national database of foreign literature (CEZL -
NKC, Katif, SK ČR and KZP) of the Czech National Library.
Requests can be made in an electronic form (user account holders through the VPL, coupon account holders by using the appropriate web form) or in person (on the ground floor of the STL, Room No. 9, phone. +420 221 663 419, e-mail: mms@stk.cz). Fees for the ordering of
lendings or making copies of the requested documents are charged in accordance with the
Price List of the STL Services, or according to the Price List of the VPL Services (with
orders made through the VPL User Account).
Information for users abroad
Libraries abroad can request loans or copies from STL, individual persons can ask only via their home library.
Requests can be submitted electronically or by post (on IFLA Request Form).
Pricelist of ILL Services
Information about ILL Services: mms@stk.cz
Foreign Libraries used by the STL ILS
