Since 1995, the STL has been co-operating with the Czech National Library on the creation of the ANL (analytical description) database, containing a bibliographic description of articles from Czech newspapers and journals. This database is available on the National Library web server. Within the framework of the cooperation system, STL excerpts articles from Czech technical journals. The STL database currently consists of approx. 40,000 entries (in the ISIS system) and is searchable by author, journal title, article title, MDT, keywords and by using other search criteria. Entries do not contain annotations. List of journals excerpted by the STL (in 2007)
- 3T. Teplo, technika, teplárenství (3T. Heat, Technology, Heating Technology)
- A Radio. Konstrukční elektronika (A Radio. Constructional electronics)
- A Radio. Praktická elektronika (A Radio. Practical Electronics)
- Acta polytechnica
- Advances in Military Technology
- Amatérské radio (Amateur Radio)
- Archivum mathematicum
- Automa
- Automatizace (Automation)
- Automobil revue
- Autotip
- Bezpečnost jaderné energie (Nuclear Power Safety)
- Ceramics - Silikáty (Ceramics-Silicates)
- Computerworld
- Connect
- Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
- Doprava (Transport)
- Geodetický a kartografický obzor
- Geotechnika (Geotechnology)
- Chlazení a klimatizace (Cooling and Air-Conditioning)
- IT Systems
- Koroze a ochrana materiálu (Corrosion and Material Protection)
- Kvasný průmysl (Journal for Brewing, Malting and Beverage Industry)
- Kybernetika (Cybernetics)
- Letectví + kosmonautika (Aviation + Astronautics)
- Listy cukrovarnické a řepařské (Czech Sugar and Sugar Beet Journal)
- MM Průmyslové spektrum (MM Industrial Spectrum)
- Model hobby magazín (Kit Hobby Magazine)
- NDT Welding Bulletin
- Neural Network World
- Nová železniční technika (New Railway Technology)
- Papír a celulóza (Paper and Cellulose)
- Pixel
- Plasty a kaučuk (Plastics and Rubber)
- Plyn (Gas)
- Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie
- Povrchové úpravy (External Alterations and Renewals)
- Sdělovací technika (Communication Technology)
- Sklář a keramik (Glassman and Potter)
- Slévárenství (Foundry Practice)
- Stavební informace (Construction Information)
- Stavitel (Builder)
- Střechy, fasády, izolace (Roofs, Facades, Insulation)
- Střelecká revue (Shooting Revue)
- Technik (Technician)
- Telekomunikace (Telecommunication)
- Tepelná ochrana budov (Thermal Protection of Buildings)
- Uhlí rudy geologický průzkum (Coal Ores Geological Survey)
- Věda, technika a my (Science, Technology and Us)
- Vytápění větrání instalace (Heating Ventilation Installations)
- Zbraně & Náboje (Weapons & Cartridges)
Ing. Hana Reichlová
Tel./fax: 221 663 474