Complete Planet
Searches 89,000 databases and specialized search engines
Phrase searching
Use quotation marks. Example: "war and peace". Use numbers only inside phrases.
Basic search
- Type your query into "Search databases for" field. Natural language (question, sentence) or Boolean algebra operators (AND, OR, NOT, AND NOT, NEAR, BEFORE, AFTER) are suggested. Commas are ignored.
- Browse through 34 main categories in subject cataloque
Results sorting
Results are displayed with short annotation, relevancy rate, amount of links and with actual date.
Placeholder symbols
System searches singular and plural forms, it is not necessary to use *symbol. Example: when typing cat, there will be both cat and cats between results and vice versa.
Capital character sensitive
Universal search engine, it searches through 46 millions www pages
Phrase searching
Use quotation marks. Example:"tropical fruit".
Basic search
- Type your query into "Search" field. Any language can be used (incl. Czech) and Boolean logic operators (AND, OR, NOT, AND NOT) as well.
- Browse through 16 main categories in subject cataloque.
Advanced search
- Choose your field of interest from subject dictionary (Open directory)
- Choose exact search engine from a list.
- Use query operators: all the words, any of the words, exact phrase.
- It is possible to limit maximum no. of results.
Results sorting
Results sorting is determined by frequency of appearance of key words.
Placeholder symbols
Use *symbol only as a suffix to a root (which must contain at least three characters). Example: bicycl* -- bicycling, bicycle, bicycles, but *cycling or arch*ology won´t work.
Capital character sensitive
Tutorial and help is in English. When searching, other languages are possible to use as well.
Contains more than 10000 search engines organized to 22 main subject categories.
Phrase searching
Use quotation marks. Example: "South Africa".
Basic search
- Type your query into "Search" field. Boolean logic operators (AND, OR, NOT) can be used.
- Browse through 22 main categories of subject directory.
Advanced search
Searching options:
- Choose from all words, no words, exact phrase and Boolean logic operators
- Limit no. of results
- Limit no. of results for each search engine
- Limit search time
- Choose exact search engines
Results sorting
Results are displayed in alphabetical order or sorted by relevancy rate.
Placeholder symbols
Capital character sensitive
Elsevier Science search engine covers search engines, which are specialized in science and research. It searches fulltexts as well.
Phrase searching
Use quotation marks or type your query directly into "Basic search" field.
Basic search
- Type your query into "Basic search" field. Boolean logic operators (AND, OR, NOT) can be used.
- It is possible to browse through all journals and web sources while typing your guery as an exact phrase.
Advanced search
Searching options:
- Journal or article title
- Author name and affiliation
- Key word, ISSN, URL
- Date of publication, type of information, type of record, type of source, subject directory
- Choose from: all words, exact phrase, without words and Boolean logic operators
Results sorting
Displays results from two sources: journals and web pages. Results are sorted by relevancy rate.
Placeholder symbols
Capital character sensitive
Covers more than 115000 academic sources from science and research.
Phrase searching
Use quotation marks. Example: "molecular biology".
Basic search
- Type your query into "Search for" field. Boolean logic operators (AND, OR, NOT) can be used.
- Choose your field of interest and type your query.
Advanced search
Searching options:
- Title, author, key word, subject category, abstract/fulltext.
- Free sources/paid sources.
- Type of source
- No. of displayed results.
Results sorting
Results are sorted by relevancy rate or by author name.
Placeholder symbols
Capital character sensitive