ELAG 2001 - Integrating Heterogeneous Resources - Prague, 6-8 June 2001

Workshop 9

Reconsidering the Classical Principles of Librarianship in the Light of Internet

Slide show


1 Reconsidering (or Re[dis]covering?) the "Classical Principles of Librarianship" in the Light of Internet
2 Workshop participants:
3 Is the Library and Information Science truly a Science?
4 What are the time-proven principles of librarianship?
5 What is the role of technology in librarianship?
6 What is the role of Internet in librarianship?
7 Do ICT change principles?
8 Was there an overestimation of Internet & underestimation of time-proven library functions during recent 10 years?
9 Functions where libraries [should] play the key role
10 Are the libraries prepared and willing to compete and cooperate with other players in the information market?
11 Are the libraries prepared and willing to cooperate among themselves?
12 Are the libraries prepared for change?
13 Internet and international sharing - protecting national identity or keeping status quo?
14 Improving access:
15 Improving access:
16 Improving access:
17 Conclusions & Recommendations

Reported by

Bohdana Stoklasova and Martin Svoboda

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   Last updated: Tue Jul 31 17:17:00 CEST 2001