ELAG 2001 -
Integrating Heterogeneous Resources -
Prague, 6-8 June 2001
Regione Lombardia Progress Report 2001
- Institution
Regione Lombardia Piazza4 Novembre n.5
Milano, 20124 Italy
ELAG Contact Person: Ms. Ornella Foglieni
(Director of Beni Librari e sistemi documentari)
, Foglieni@icil64.cilea.it , phone:0039 02 6765 2647
, fax:0039 02 6765 2647
Institution Type: Ministry/Government
Mission Statement
Development of the libraries in the Regione Lombardia. Cooperation with other institutions (provinces, municipalities). Actions devoted to conservation of ancient and rare books, manuscripts, etc.
Develompment of reading
Statement of guidelines about personnel of public libraries
Web address: www.biblioteche.regione.lombardia.it
Info: sbn@regione.lombardia.it
- Computer networks and Internet connectivity
- In general HW, SW
We manage the library network called "SBN - Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale - Polo regionale lombardo", that is a subset of the national network SBN
The network is based on a central server (UNIX HP 9000) and about 150 PC (in local networks) linked to it. Communication protocol used: TCP/IP
Software used in the management of the data base: Adabas/Natural (Software AG), with a specific application.
The Union Catalogue is available via Internet. The software used is Basis Plus.
- New HW, SW; connectivity upgrades
We are testing new connectivity systems (HDSL, ADSL) for the network
- Library automation
- In general HW/SW
Public libraries in Regione Lombardia are not all connected to SBN Union catalogue. There are local networks that include small and medium-size municipal libraries; they can download from SBN catalogue bibliographic data (Unimarc). The software used by local networks are: Sebina, UOL, TinLib, Q-Series, Alexandrie.
- New HW, SW, other
We finished in april 2001 the development of a part of the new SW for the SBN national network (SBN UNIX client/server). The parts we were in charge of were related to cataloguing by subjects/classification and managing periodicals.
- Union Catalogue
- Software used
SW used for cataloguing and managing the Catalogue: SBN Adabas rel. 3.4 (UNIX)
SW used for editing and web diffusing the UC: Basis Plus
OPAC ewb address: www.biblioteche.regione.lombardia.it/OPACRL/catleg/SF
The OPAC of the Union Catalogue of regional network SBN comprises over 500.000 records related to documents belonging to the 35 libraries of SBN Network of Regione Lombardia
There are two levels of research. The simple level research template permits queries by author, title, subject. The higher level research template allows queries by classification, year of publication, publisher, country, language, etc. It is also possible searching by physical data of documents (holdings), and selecting one of the libraries, or a specific group of omogeneous libraries inside the Union catalogue. There is the browsing function too.
- New features
For the SBN Adabas SW there is only implementation with little new features
Internet Union Catalogue (OPAC): download of data in UNIMARC format; download of catalogues and bibliographical lists in PDF format
We are planning the development of ILL and DD functions through Internet.
- Digital Library
- Based on your own production of digital documents
- If so, what is new in your digitization programmes?
- Based on external sources
- Important commercial web services accessible to your users
- New in-house databases
SIBL: Sistema Informativo Beni Librari (Rare books information system): a DB about rare books and manuscripts in the most important libraries of Regione Lombardia, with reference to their preservation, restoration, exhibitions, thefts, digitalization, etc.
- Special web services
SBBL: Biomedical library system - http://sbbl.cilea.it
- Electronic document delivery services
- Research and technology development projects
- Web-Archives: an OPAC dedicated to historical archives in Lombardia, that allows the research in their inventories. - Partners of the project: Regione Lombardia, University of Pavia, Ministry of Culture (Central office for Archives)
- Other important projects
We are at the moment involved also in financing and coordinating three other great projects:
- Mediateca S. Teresa in Milan (a new digital library developed in cooperation with italian central governement and municipality of Milan) - http://www.aim.milano.it/mxm/mediateca/mediateca.html - Partners of the project: Regione Lombardia, Municipality of Milan, Province of Milan, Ministry of Culture
- BEIC: Biblioteca Europea di Informazione e Cultura: a new great public library in Milan: Regione Lombardia is financing the project, that will be the result of an international competition. Web site: www.beic.it - Partners of the project: Regione Lombardia, Municipality of Milan, Province of Milan, Ministry of Culture, University of Milano, Politecnico Technical University
- Coordination of art and history libraries of Milan: a project whose goal is to complete the cataloguing of historycal and art collections of the major libraries of the town of Milan (Braidense, Trivulziana, Arte, Ambrosiana libraries, and other) - Partners of the project: Regione Lombardia, Municipality of Milan, Ministry of Culture.
Reported by Ornella Foglieni
Milan, 25 may 2001