ANAL database
Since 1995, STL has been co-operating with the National Library
of CR in creating ANAL
database(analytical description)
which contains bibliographical records of articles published
in Czech newspapers and journals. This database as a whole is available
on: the WWW server of the National Library. Within the
cooperation system, STL compiles excerpts from the articles published
in Czech technical journals. At the end of
1997, the STL's own database contained approximately 6,000 records
and the monthly addition amounts approximately to 200 records.
The database enables searching
according to the author, journal title,
article title, UDC, keywords and other keys. The
records do not contain abstract.
On-line access to this database is currently under preparation.
The list of journals from which excerpts are compiled by STL:
- 3T. Teplo, technika, teplarenstvi
- A Radio. Konstrukcni elektronika
- A Radio. Prakticka elektronika
- Acta polytechnica
- Amaterske radio (rada A)
- Amaterske radio (rada B)
- Amiga Review
- Autotip
- Beton a zdivo
- Bezpecnost jaderne energie
- Computerworld
- Connect
- Grafie publicum
- Chlazeni a klimatizace
- Letectvi + kosmonautika
- Model hobby magazin
- Papir a celuloza
- Pixel
- Plasty a kaucuk
- Rise hvezd
- Sdelovaci technika
- Silicon World
- Stavebni informace
- Stavitel
- Technik
- Uhli Rudy Geologicky pruzkum
- Veda, technika a my
- Zeleznice
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