
Adolf Knoll, The National Library of the Czech Republic

Museum Object and Its Virtual Representation

Inundated archives of Czech aviation and Czech architecture of the National Technical Museum in Prague contained, above all, plans and drawings. In order to save them, the documents will be dried, then microfilmed and at last digitized. Proper dealing with the digitized documents required to work out the definition of the type of a document for the museum object. The thing is that plans and drawings are often connected with exhibits, which may be originals themselves or their models, and a number of other objects of various types complete the research environment of the described object, e.g. various illustrations and pictures, literature, web documents, texts, descriptions of components of the main object, other types of data files etc. For this reason a new DTD (MuseumObject.dtd) has been proposed for the work with museum objects, which is based on the evaluation of existing approaches in the world and on previous practical experience gained both in the National Technical Museum and in the work with digitized representations of library materials. The proposal of the DTD and its documentation are in the Czech version accessible on URL http://digit.nkp.cz/MaterialObjects/index.html.